Thursday, December 8, 2011

the answers i got from the clubs


When i asked key club do they celebrate asian culture they said no its just that asian mainly come to key club .
I also accept other races with no problem at all they encourage every one to join.
They also responded that they did not create key club but they are thankful its there they also appreciate
mr .slathey for hosting it
The point of key club is to get community service and enjoy your self.

When i asked meccha do they celebrate other cultures they said no it is to celebrate mexican independence
and there up riseings  but there hole point is to get community service.
I also asked do they allow other races they said they do but they mainly see mexican kids.
I did not ask when was it made.
There main point to the club is to have fun learn about mexican culture and grow as sacramento high school students.Meccha also have work shops after the meeting.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

questions for multi cultural clubs

what inspired you to make a club based on that race
do you guys allow other races
when did you guys make the club
do you enjoy your club
whats your main point to the club

Friday, November 18, 2011

journalism definitions

Journalist - journalistcollects and distributes information about current events, people, trends, and issues. His or her work is acknowledged as journalism.

Freelancer - A freelancer,freelance worker, or freelanceis somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term. anager - The production manageris responsible for contracting and working with printers,
ment - Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideasCopy editor Copy editing (also written as copy-editing or copyediting, and sometimes abbreviated to ce) is the work that an editor does to improve the formatting, and style.Correspondent - correspondent or on-the-scene reporter is a journalist or commentator, or more general speaking, an agent who contributes reports to a newspaper, or radio or TV.Illustrator - An Illustrator is a narrative artist who specializes in enhancing writing by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text.Salesman - A man who is employed to sell merchandise in a store or in a designated territory. 
Blogger - To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog.News anchor - a host of a regular news broadcast. Producer: A producer begins by obtaining the rights to create or co-create a feature-length screenplay. The producer oversees the process, which includes coordinating, supervising and controlling major aspects of the project.
Photo Journalism: Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast) that creates images in order to tell a news story.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I learned that that even the smartest people can feal depressed
Also you can improve things
I also learned that the best can fail
I also learned that just because people say its a bad idea dont listen to them
I also learned that people can be inspired by commercials

I think advertiseing helped tommy hilfiger with promoting his clothes to other artists

I think it costs 3.2 thousand dollers and because you cant sensor superbowl commercials
I think its like art because people are always trying to come up with something original;

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

steve jobs life

yea i think that the impact on the film because all the things involveing ipods phones and music they did


steve jobs helped apple out he also helped walt disney and i think dream workes
the reason steve jobs was so successful was he was working so hard to prove people rong.
yes i think that his apple product had a powerful impact that the movie describes because 
with out the apple we would not have alot of things such as the smart phone and apple
laptops.Today we use apple products as a tool for entetainment we use it for laptops
phones and we use it for research.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

There would always be a person that takes pictures for the article that they are doing
then there would be another person trying to get the article published
the other persons job is to investigate and look for interesting things 
i think a free lance is a person that has to advertise to the public

Friday, November 4, 2011

the annual pilgrime to mecca saudi arabia is the worlds largest gathering of muslims the biggest annual gathering of humanity period

Thursday, November 3, 2011

photojournalisms is a particular form of journalism  that creates images in order to tell a new story

This picture was tooken after the liberation of libya when gaddafi was killed

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My First Blog Entry

Hello.My name is kei-shawn. I am new at blogging and i am writing this as a part of my journalism class at 
sacramento high school .I will post my assignments to this blog. In the mean time let me tell you a little 
bit about some of my hobbies:

I love to play video games

I love traveling 

I love to talk to people